Saturday 17 September 2011

aku insan xsempurna....

hari ni xtau nk 2lis ape la.....
ngah cri idea ni....tjuk da bgi..tpi still xtau isi...
cri idea...cari..cari...
ha...dpt pon.....skrng ni blik kt u ak la...
rum8 da blik kmpng..
boring2...xtau nk buat ape ni....
ni smua cti 4blan punye psal..hohohooh
...tpi best gak blik lmbt ni...
internet lju..hahhaha..best2..like2....tpi..
sunyi je rse..kekadang mai rse tkot....

dah2...ckup2 la mngarut nye....hari ni nk ckap psal "aku insan xsempuna"..
ni sdikit luahan hari...biar sama2 drase...hahahaha...(bajet ayat power)...
ak ni insan biase la...ade buat jhat ade buat baik...yg byk??..emm...
jhat la...itu mesti...xde org rse dia buat baik byk.mlainkn dia rse...
da boring da solat....buat2 amal.....boring??..ade ke???..oit2..jgn la woi..
2 da murtad trang2 buat baik smpai mati la..
bkan time nk isi mse lpang...fuh!!..trase yg isi mse lpang a plak..hohohoho..
biasela..aku insan biase je....bkn tiap mse buat baik.....kdng2 ak trlupa...
sbb..aku insan..bukan tuhan..bukan maaikat yg terpelihara dri dosa2.....

emm....cti 4blan la plak u ak skrng ni...yeay!!!....time final exam..smua nk
buat, itu ini...ish2...tamaknye..main game trase nikmat..tgok cita dlm
kepala pk study...amboi??..btolkah??.....btol ngh final exam..tpu la xingt
study..hohohoho...tpi.....bila exam da abis??..mne smua mnt2 sblum ni..
cta da byk download ni..aishh...xde mood nk tgok la la mnusia...
yg xsempurna nme nye.....nk itu ini..ble ade...buat2 xnk plak...adoi..mcm2 la idup ni...

apela lgi nk 2lis kli ni ye....emm..cti 4bln???...eleh..pendek je...dlu ak cti dri bln 4
smpai bln 1 thun slpasnye la....i means??.....hmpi 9bln gak la...klau nk bnding 4bln??...
skit je 2..huhuhuhu...boring ni trase nk ubah la cti 2...sblm ni...dok kt rmah...
hbiskn bras je kn...ape kte p cri kerje ke..blaja ke kt ade faedah 2...da bsar pon...
gune la skali skaa 2lang 4 kerat 2....biar berguna skit pda agama,masyarakt dan negara...(ayat skema)..

smakin lme smkin pnjng la plak ak mnaip ni..hahhaaha..bila ade modal mcm ni la..tpi
ble ckap kt depan org...sometimes i'm speechless la..hohohoho...emm..kdng2 terfikir gak..
nk hlang kn dri dri org yg knal kita ni...emm..knape ye??..nk msuk dunia bru jdi org bru la..xpernah trfikir ke anda smua??..ak da dyk kli fikir pon..klau dlu nk jdi batman..pkai topeng..xde org knal...
kn best g 2.....ape kaitan ngn tjuk ni????..ish2...mmng ska mngarot btol la...sekeh kn....sbar2...
sbarkn sbahagian dri iman??..huhuhuh...

kt post ni...ak nk ckap..ak nk brubah??...btolkah??....yes!!!...a long times ago..i'm trying..
but can't...still can't do it...why??..i don't know la....f i know the just for me..maybe...
i keep trying to change...will keep trying..until i really changing...

da pnjng sgt ni...xpe..ak boring btol skrng bkn utk sape2..just for me.....

pesanan pda yg knal dri ini....@_@

jika satu hari aku tiada lgi....
jgn dtanya kemana aku pergi...
tpi..tnyalah knapa aku pergi...

jika suatu hari...
tiada kelihatan dri ini...
jgn dcari-cari....
tpi..biarkn aku peri...

jika suatu hari...
suara ini tiada lagi kau dengari...
jgn dcari-cari penggnti dri...
tpi...ingatlah saat2 yg pernah kau dengari...

jika suatu hari...
diri ini tiada lagi dikenali...
jgn ditanya kenapa begini...
tpi...tnyalah kemana yg dulu pergi..

jika suatu hari...
aku tiada lgi dsisi untuk mnemani...
jgnlah  engkau mencari-cari
munkin aku sentiasa menemani..

jika suatu hari...
diri ini tiada lgi...
jgn ditangisi saat aku pergi..
tpi..doakan aku bhagia dsana...

jika suatu hari..
aku pergi...
jgn dtanya..jgn dcari-cari..
biarkanlah aku pergi.....

jika suatu hari nanti...
aku pergi mngadap Illahi...
jgn lupa...iringi aku dgn musik2 indah..
mmuji Illahi.....mendoakan dri ini...

"andai aku pergi"...huhuhuhu..
ciptaan sendri..munkin diadaptasi dri ape yg pernah aku bce...dan bermain dkepala...
xbest pon...susah rupenye nk buat kta2 yg best ye??..bru tau...huhuhuhu..mnkin akan ade lgi yg lain slepas ini...puisi ni xde kaitan pon ngn tjuk hahaha...tpi dsbbkn mlas nk bukak post bru..aku letak sni je....

k la...xmau ckap byk...ape2 pon..doakn dri ini jdi insan yg berguna pda dri dan agama..msyarakat dan negara.....k...sayonara~

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Rebirth of eagle....

 ni motivation kt sape2 yg xde motivasi dlm dri...sila bca ye.....hohohhoho....stiap mnusia ade ujian msing2....senang ckap, setiap makhluk Allah ade cerita ak nk cita psal helang plak...hope enjoys.....dan sila ambil pngajaran...copy n paste je...

 Eagle has to make painful decision to survive.This is a story of the Eagle’s life. Eagle has long life up to 70 years. It has patient to survive.

To live till 70 years, he has to pass though a hard decision. It’s talons works properly till 40 years. After 40 years, it’s talons becomes weak and can’t grab prey. It’s long and sharp beak also becomes bent. It’s thick feathers become stuck to chest due to heavy wings and can’t fly freely. Then Eagle has left only two options: either die or pass through a painful process of the changes, which lasts 5 months.

When Eagle reached near 40, it’s beak,talon and feathers becomes weak. For new life, agle makes one hard decision. Eagle flies on top of a mountain and sits on nest. Then Eagle strikes its beak against a rock and pull it out.  After that it waits for new beak to grow. Then it starts plucking out it’s talons. New talons grow back. Then it plucks its old and thick feathers.

Now the painful process completed and it has to wait for 5 month to recover. After that it can make its fly to sky and  can enjoy new birth. Now it can live 30 years more.
       Some change needs to survive in difficulty. In miserable condition, we have to change life style. That process may be very painful. Sometimes we have to throw our old habits, memories and our daily routines. We can’t go ahead with all our past burdens. Then we have to free our burdens and sorrows.

 ape macam????? bro....hahahaha....@_@

life like a cup of coffee.....

 klau xsempat nk bce dlm video...bce yg kt bwah ni jela....

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.

Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups have been taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.

Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... And then you began eyeing each other's cups.

Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of life we live.

Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee. Savor the coffee, not the cups! The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly... : unknown...