Thursday 25 August 2011

seni jari jemari.....

klau sblm ni ak post psal seni ukiran lead pensel..
hari ini nk kongsi psal seni jari-jemari plak ye..
yg ni pon ak cri kt dlm blog org lain...
jgn isau...
kli ni ak dh pndai nk letak link blog tersebut dh ye...
ak mju kehdapan skit...hohooho....
xnk ckap byk...jom layan..

we are happy~~


i'm not nerd.....


sdih btol....


hi..nice to meet u....:)

will u marry me???...

saya budak  baik~~

free style.....

rilek sdah~~

why me?????

who kill me??...:(

i'm sorry....:(

sape paku kepala aku???

you are next!!!!....

whats next??????

want to know??

scroll down....plizz don't blame on me....

i'm just sharing....:)

please don't try this  ANYWHERE....if u want...please wear a plastics bag
on your u will suffer!!!...

klau nk tau lbih....melawat la kt sini :

Tuesday 23 August 2011

sape tangan kidal???...

"Orang Kidal": Individu yang cenderung menggunakan tangan kiri berbanding tangan kanan. Kebanyakan orang kidal boleh dikenal pasti sejak dari zaman kanak-kanak lagi.
Pada masa dahulu, kebanyakan ibubapa beranggapan anak yang kidal, seolah olah ada kecacatan. Akan tetapi, kini mereka menyedari, "orang kidal" mempunyai keunikan dan keistimewaan dibandingkan dengan mereka yang menggunakan tangan kanan....
Menurut statistik, hanya ada 10% di kalangan penduduk dunia adalah orang kidal.
Menurut kajian saintifik, orang kidal lebih cenderung menggunakan fungsi otak sebelah kanan. Otak sebelaha kanan biasanya mengawal kreativiti, muzik, IQ, emosi, kebijaksanaan.
Kelebihan orang orang kidal:
1. Leadership/ Pemimpin
2. Berfikiran pantas
3. Kreatif
4. Berdikari

post yg agak utk sape2 yg kidal....termasuk aku.....@_@
nk info lbih...
enjoy all.....

seni kreatif mata pencil....

hari ni ak nk tunjuk seni2 kreatif yg ade kt dunia ni......
mcm2 ade.....itu la ini la....yg ak nk tunjuk ni....
ak dpt dri blog entah...xingt dh......
mata pencil pon bleh jdi ukiran??...adoi....
mmng seni la org yg buat bnda ni....
nk satu bleh??..hhahha
xnk cita pnjng..
jom layan..

ni dia mamat yg buat ini pensil....

mcm biasa...xpndai nk bgi link la....
slmat melayan ye....

Saturday 20 August 2011

Businessman and Fisherman...

Cerita ni pnjng sgt...mesti xde yg bce...bce la klau k tau cite...@_@

What do you really hope to achieve in life? Read this story and you

may find that what you are always hoping to achieve, you may be

already have it.

There was once an American businessman who was sitting by the beach

in a small Mexican village. As he sat, he saw a Mexican fisherman

rowing a small boat towards the shore and noticed that the fisherman

has caught a quite number of big fishes that is known to be a delicacy.

The American was really impressed and ask the fisherman,

"How long does it take you to catch so many fishes?"

The fisherman reply; "Oh, just a short while."

"Then why don't you stay longer at sea and you could catch even more?

The businessman was astonished.

The fisherman simply does not agree,

"This is enough to feed my whole family?" he says.

The businessman then asked: "So, what do you do for the rest of the day then?"

The fisherman reply; "Well, I usually wake up early in the morning,

go out to sea and catch a few fishes,

then I would go back and play with my kids. In the afternoon,

I will take a nap with my wife, and evening comes,

I will join my buddies in the village for a drink, we played guitar,

sing and dance throughout the night. My day was ever so complete and carefree."

The businessman does not agree with his way of life and offered a

suggestion to the fisherman.

"I am a PhD holder graduated from Harvard University,

specialises in business management.

I could help you to become a more successful person.

From now on, you have to spend more time at sea and try to catch

as many fishes as possible. And when you have save enough money,

you could buy a bigger boat and catch even more fishes.

As you go on, you will be able to afford to buy more boats,

recruit more fishermen and lead a team of your own.

Soon you will be able to set-up your own company,

your very own production plant for canned food and do direct

selling to your distributors.At that time,

you will have moved out of this village and to Mexico city,

and then expand your operation to LA, and finally to New York city,

where you can set-up your HQ to manage all your other branches."

The fisherman asks, "So, how long would that take? "

The businessman reply: "About 15 to 20 years"

The fisherman continued, "And after that?"

The businessman laugh heartily, "After that, you can live like a king

in your own house, and when the time is right, you can go public and

float your shares in the Stock Exchange, by then you will be rich,

your income will be coming in by the millions!!"

The fisherman ask, "And after that?"

The businessman says "After that, you can finally retire,

you can move to a house by the fishing village,

wake up early in the morning and catch a few fishes,

then return home to play with the kids,

have a nice afternoon nap with your wife, and when evening comes,

you can join your buddies for a drink, play the guitar,

sing and dance throughout the night!! "

The fisherman was puzzled, "Isn't that what I am doing now??"

So, what does one really hope to achieve in life,

do we really need to work so hard in life ?

What do you hope to accomplish in the end ? ............

Thursday 18 August 2011

love is like maths......@_@

love is like maths
kite xdpt nk kire
berapa peratus kite cinta dia
kite xkan dpt jalan penyelesaian selagi kite x selesaikan elok2 gune kalkulator
kite xkan dpt paham kalo kite xtry pahami elok2
macam maths kite perlu paham formula die dulu n then start kire slow2....
kalo salah, padam cepat2, jgn bertambah menyerabutkan kertas pengiraan
sama mcm love
kite kene paham dulu hati pasangan kite, kene try layan die lok2...
kalo ada salah silap kite terus mnx maaf kat ye...
kalo x putus la jadiknya
maths like love like hell.
just belajar dri pengalaman
pengalaman penting tgk keadaan sekeliling
apa yg dpt kite paham cara id0p smua org
kite kene paham n study tu jea cara nya
maths like love
susah tuk dipahami
better x yah paham
andainya bagus kalo maths sama mcm bm
just kene karang ja
tapi kekadang bm susah juga
kene paham tatabahasa die
same like love ... kene faham tatatertib bercinta....

by : seniorita a.k.a gadis ungu...... 

Wednesday 17 August 2011


atas permintaan rmai....hari ni nk post bnda mnrik sem ni.....hari ni nk cita psal iftar skit....klau dri islamic, iftar- means breaking the fast, beginning to to eat after the sunsets, espacially during ramadhan.....tpi klau org kt malaysia....sebut je iftar....nmpak bukak pose ramai2...makan dalam talam( sorry klau slah eja) la slah org kita....tpi baik dri klau sbut iftar, dok bayang konsert ke ape ke.....ape2pon...iftar yg mkn dlm talam 2 dh btul la....mkan rmai..bukak puasa...xlari dri mksud asal pon....klau yg mkn rmai2 ni....sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w....yg ni la ak n the geng slalu buat....sbb??...jimat kos....bleh eratkn lgi kmi ni....dpt pahala lbih...inysAllah....sorry ye smua....17 ramadhan bru nk post.....agak lewat la jgak ni.....kmi ni bkn iftar je skai...tpi sahur pon rmai2 gak.....we are the happiest geng.....smoga xde yg lipat-melipat....tpi lipat2 2 kdang2 bleh eratkn lgi...atas cre je la...

xtau nk 2lis ape dh...jom layan gmbar plak....

Saturday 13 August 2011

kisah best friends forever!!!!...

hari ni nk cita hari bhgia sem ni..pling best...hahahaha
nk tau ape??..tgok tjuk la.....ngeh~~
nk cita psal hri kne prank ngn kwn ak je...
yg ak cnfiusnye, hri jdi org lain....
tpi..yg pling truk  ak???....why me??..tell me why??????....
sbb, ktenye..taun lpas ak xkne..jdi taun ni ksi double la skit...
best kot main mcm 2 ye...xpernah lgi sbnrnye kne prank g 2..
malam 2..first time la..
sblm ni kne bprank jiwa raga...
mlm 2..kne prank fzikal plak...
korg mmng the best friends ever....
yg pling best....kne telur bruk dri ehsan!!!!...
6t dendam terblas ye....ak ksi dm sluar plak...
usamah,makmim jdi epi terllu awal..
msa mu akn tiba..hahhaaha
ok la kot..klau nk tmbh lgi..
6t ak tmbh lain kli...
jom lyan gmbr yg xbrape nk ok ni..adoi..

setakt 2 je.....sorry gmbr xclear sgt....hihihihih..